You’ve heard of goblins, but get ready for their stranger, stupider, sillier counterpart: GOOBLINS! Gooblins are creatures obsessed with gold, but they’re not very good at getting it on their own. Each of them has different ways of nabbing some shinies, but it’s only by working as a team that they’ll be able to get it back home safe and sound. You might have to keep Kaklik’s magnet away from very hostile and very magnetic knights, or help pick speedy Skittles back up after tripping on rugs, or maybe mighty Zyinx! the wizard will turn you into a rock. It’s a bit hard to adapt to the gooblins’ eccentricities, but worth it for all the castle’s gold they can run off with. The best thing about working with such failure-prone creatures though is how they get right back up. Try every team, route, and strategy to get out with your GOOBLINS!

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